Do I Need A Pond To Grow Lotus?– Pond Megastore

Do I Need A Pond To Grow Lotus?

Do I Need A Pond To Grow Lotus?

Most people think that you must have a pond to grow lotus, nothing could be further from the truth! All you will need:

  1. Large, wide, shallow container without holes
  2. Heavy loam soil or an aquatic planting medium
  3. Water
  4. Full sun
  5. A lotus tuber

Lotus can be planted in containers and placed on your deck or patio.These exquisite flowers with their exotic foliage can also make a stunning addition to your landscape when placed in pots in the ground. Using unusual tubs, watering troughs, planting containers and other unusual items as growing containers can make quite a statement. Of course, lotus can also be planted in the shallow end of your pond.

Once you have chosen a lotus tuber, the size of the lotus will determine the size of the container you will use. The smaller lotus tubers can be grown in smaller containers from 12 to 16" in diameter. The larger, tall lotus tubers need much more room, so you will need a container from 20-48" in diameter, or larger. Some of our tall lotus varieties can grow up to 5' tall. Please keep in mind the depth of the container, as to keep the tall lotus from blowing over.

We always recommend round containers as this allows the lotus runners the freedom to run around the pot!

We hope this helps you to see how easily lotus can be grown outside the pond! Please consult our "How Do I Plant My Lotus" page for instructions on planting and growing lotus.

Growing lotus plants in a container
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